So, I got back into Skyrim a bit...
and the reason is
I made a posse of qt elf girls, a qt nip, a loli vampire, a living doll, and an angsty tsundere.
Here's my favorite two out of the posse:
Another of the qt nip:
Also this:
That's all I got, now get the fuck outta here
5:43 PM - 平沢唯: this almost feels wrong
5:45 PM - freakymojo: married in full platemail armor
5:45 PM - FishType1: lol
5:45 PM - FishType1: with a kid
5:46 PM - freakymojo: i took this wench for a trophy
5:46 PM - freakymojo: now clergyman!
5:46 PM - freakymojo: wed this child to me
5:46 PM - FishType1: yes
5:46 PM - freakymojo: average barbarian nord